Thursday 19 September 2013

Applying Dyer's Theory

Dyer's theory- "How we are seen determines how we are treated, and how treat others depends on how we see them'
Task- List 3 groups of people who you think you could apply DYER'S theory to (IE - that we treat them according to the way the media teaches us to see them.


The media perceives OAPs as well respected  citizens of the community who sit at home and knit. We therefor perceive the older generation as not a treat, we treat them with respect and offer to help them when we can. A good example of this is grandparents, we respect our grandparents sometimes more than we do our parents because of what they have seen/done in their lifetime, we perceive them as fragile. However 260 over-65s were arrested for serious crimes in 2009. This statics show that we sometimes look at older people as harmless when in fact they still commit crimes!

Pop Stars

The media portraits pop stars in two different ways; either as incredibly talented who should be admired by everyone or as a drug taking crack head who is causing trouble.

The talented portrayed, when a new music sensation comes out the media are one of the first to do some digging and in most cases the same story comes out, 'hard life' 'fighting for the dream' 'family tradgedy' All of these titles have come out of the media when talking about a new music star. They talk about how hard their life has been and the struggle they had reaching their dreams. With these stories the public automatically feel a connection and look up to these stars who have proved that 'anything is possible'. For example teen sensation One Direction although their life has not been hard they were formed on Xfactor and it was apparent fate that made them click. With their squeaky clean image the boy band are a world wide hit, young girls look up to them as their idols, someone who they want to marry etc. But if the media did not portray them as that , then would we still think of them in such a way? For example Brittany Spears, who was a pop sensation turned drug addict, the media turned on her on an instant and because of this so did the public. Disregarding hits and charity work they trashed her image and although due to her own admission was 'not in the right frame of mind' the media added fuel to the fire by publicly embarrassing her whenever they had the chance. Now Brittany is back they again praise her for her struggle and so the public forgive and forget the drug abuse, the shaving of her hair, all because the media now say she is OK.



Teenagers are portrayed in the media as hooded hooligans who lie, take drugs, drink and are a burden on the local communities. So with the media portraying them as that they are treated with suspicions. For example, in most small convince stores they have a ' no more than two' policy. Although a small majority of teenagers are 'hulgans' most are members of the community who are happy to help, they go to school, respect their elders (and don't rob them like the media say) they help around the house and are in at a reasonable time. The only time you ever seen teens is when they are being bashed by the media, never are they commend for their grades or success in politics or the work place. People seen teens as a  nuisance because that is how they are portrayed.

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