Thursday 12 September 2013

Genre and Opening sequence

Snow White & The Huntsman opening sequence analysis. 

The first shot of the opening sequence is of a dark sky following a crow that comes into centre focus of the camera with an intense swooping sound from the crows wings suggesting that the crow is an important part in the film, as the crow squawks in dissipates into thousands that fly into a dimly lit castle suggesting that the film is based on/in a kingdom. The narration from the woman starts early, as we can not see her nor do we know who she is we assume she is a main character in the film.As the women narrates over the scene hooves hit the floor suggesting that a battle is about to commence and amour hitting amour, the slow motion fight gives the viewer time to digest what the narrator is saying.
Intense music accompanies the blackout, as the music gets more intense the camera moves closer to both women there is thump of bass, the woman in gold wears a crown, suggesting she is hierarchy/the Queen of the kingdom, her action of holding the young girl by the throat also suggests she is a harsh ruler. Two more base thumps as the young girl ages due to the Queen sucking out, what we assume is her soul. The music reaches its pivotal point when the Queen raises her head,this shot shows the audience that she holds all the power, the removal of the girls souls shows that there is magic in the film it also shows that the Queen is an evil character.
The narration shows how 'she' is feeling, at this point we still do not know who she is, however we assume she is the Queen to do the references she uses.
 The next shot of the Queen on top of on someone suggests that was she may have used foul play to secure her position of Queen.The sound of the sword being pulled out of its cover is exaggerated to increase suspense and show the Queens power. As the sword descends the shot is taken into an explosion, this creates an enigma because we do not know if the Queen did in fact kill that person.
The strong image of the Queen coming out of the white liquid wearing the crown with her hands over her breast show that she is protecting her weakness, the Queen narrates 'beauty is my power' suggesting that she uses her looks to do her bidding. The white also links to 'Snow White' this could show that the Queen tries to become Snow White herself.
When the mirror comes to life if shows that the film has a mystical genre to it, the liquid gold again shows the power/money the queen has, it however may suggest that the Queen is a 'witch' and shows that the film is set in a time where witchery was known and feared, explain why she is in power.
As another character is introduced the word 'fairest' is matched with her along with her walking into the light with a purple mystical sparkle around her, we automatically think that she is a good character due to the lighting and sounds at her entrance.
The next shot is her on top of a hill wearing full amour,clutching a sword while looking down at the castle this suggests that a rebellion is about to take place or a pivotal point in the girls journey.
As the Queen narrators 'find me someone who doesn't fear the dark forest' the huntsman comes into view yielding axes showing this as a strong character  in the film.
The shattering of the glass in front of the Queen suggests that she looses some power and becomes weaker during the film.
Quoting the original film snow white shows that this film is loosely based around it, the crows becoming the woman also show the crows are linked to her, the crows are also associated to death suggesting that as we suspected the Queen is evil and causes death in her kingdom.
There are many themes from this trailer for example; the liquid mirror shows that witchcraft and magic will take a roll in the play, the kiss between Snow White and another show there will also be love in the film.
The trailer creates an enigma for the audience so they are intrigued and more likely to see the film. 

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