Tuesday 17 September 2013

Poster Analysis

Jennifer's Body Poster Analysis.
By just looking at the poster we can assume that the film will be in a school setting due to the blackboard behind Megan Fox along with the desk she is sitting at and text books. We can also tell by the way she is position they she will be the main character, from her position we can assume that the character she is playing is a 'popluar' girl for a few reasons; the heels,mini skirt and low top suggest that she is no virgin Mary, although we can only make assumptions she does not look academically smart.most likely caring about her looks more than her academic subjects. We know Megan Fox is am attractive person so she fits well with the character.
We can also tell the film is going to be a thriller/horror. We can see (denotations) a discoloured arm with blood around it, so we assume (connotation) that this person has been murdered. Megan Fox has blood tripping from her mouth so we can assume from this she is either a vampire.
Also the fact that the title of the film is in red suggests to us that death is a big part in this film,certainly blood anyway. The way the bottom of the 'y' drags down on the picture and a drop of red is on the blackboard edge again suggests dripping blood, we instantly connect blood with a murder so the assumption is that Megan Fox's character is a teen murder.
Megan Fox is also in red in black. Red again suggests blood or anger where death suggests death. The annotations to this poster all go in the same direction. We assume that the film is about a teenage vampire.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent analysis Becky. You show you understand the terms 'denotation' and 'connotation' well. You explore semiotics well.

    Target: Keep aiming to use media terminology at all time.

    Mrs Field
