Friday 29 November 2013

Third Poster Idea-FIXATION

After the feedback we were told  that the first poster's picture was to comical or not serious enough for the film, therefor we changed it by taking the image from poster 3 and moved it onto poster 1 as much of a replica as we could manage, we were also told that the poster was very bland because it had no colour, so as a result we added the colour red. However we are still undecided on whether our final poster will have colour. 
After we produced the above poster we showed another one of our media teachers,she also agreed with us the colour, she believed, as did we, that the colour was very stereotypical and that we should stick to the black and white posters. 
Overall she said that the genre was easy to get across and that the fonts were great and easy to read, the posters were better without colour overall.

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