Thursday 19 December 2013

FIXATION Final Cut~feedback.

After watching our final cut of Fixation,media students and people from the rest of school and gave us feedback on their thoughts on the screening, below is the different feedback we received.

Monday 16 December 2013

Final Piece-FXATION

Above is our final piece, after taking peer and teacher feed back we feel that we have improved massively, I think the hardest things we have had to overcome is the differences between the group, different people wanting different things, but we have overcome it to get our final piece.

And are the best bits of our failed filming!

Qestions for Final-FIXATION

 Below are the questions we asked people while recording their answers.

-Do you feel as though the music fits in well with the whole sequence?
-What do you think the rest of the film could be about?
-Do you think the editing is effective?
-What do you think the genre of our film is?
-Would you want to see the whole film?
-If you created the film what would you have done different?
-Was there anything you couldn't see? If so what?
-What would you score our opening out of 60?


New Instituion Logo-FIXATION

After reviewing the groups different logos, we decided that we none of the titles fitted our film genre so we decided to make another one called Scorpion Productions, we felt that this fitted more than 'Angel Productions', 'Dolphin Productions', 'JB Productions' and 'global'.

First Draft And Feedback-FIXATION

Below is our first draft, please note the ending has been cut off.

After watching the first draft of our opening feedback we had many mixed reviews, all of which are documented below.

Below are some key words that people used when asked the question 'Think about the sound and the images are they approprate?Do they go together?'

The group was also asked 'Camera-Are the shots appropriate and relevent? Is there controlled use of the camera,attention to framing, variety of shot distance and angle? Close attention use of mise en scene? Below are some comment we recieved:

-"Good angle of camera shots however could have more variety"
-"Good variety of shots, the long distance shot was done really well"
-Good camera shots, you used a wide variety"
-"The pan shots were a bit shakey and unstable"
-"There was not a large variety of shots"
-"I like the shots walking into the house"
-"Good camera angles, great mise en scene"
-"The foot shot of the group feet before the woman appers is confusing"
- "Party shot is confusing, you could have shown the 'birthday party' on the board to make it more obvious"
- "The shots are good but you could have made it clearer that there was a party by filming the '17th birthday' part of the map"

Sunday 15 December 2013

Opening TimeLine- FIXATION

56 – 1.00 Min – Natasha Bishop

1.01-1.04 Min – James Braddy

1.08-1.12 Min – A Film By

1.14-1.16 Min – Rebecca Stanway

1.19-1.21 Min – Written By

1.26-1.29 Min - Charlotte Gregory

1.33-1.36 Min -Lara Eardley

1.45-1.48 Min – Fixation


0-1.13 –Dark Scary Supence music Instrumental

1.00-1.00 Min – Radio static

1.04-1.05 Min – Radio static

1.18-1.19 Min – Radio static

1.35-1.36 Min – Radio static

1.42-1.44 Min – Radio static

1.45-1.48 Min – Radio static


0-24 Seconds - Fox Searchlight Pictures

24-28 Seconds – Scorpion Productions

28-43 Seconds – Map Stroke

43-52 Seconds- String Stick

53-1.42 – titles Panning with ghosting

1.00 – 1.00 Min – House Approach Snapshot

1.04-1.05 Min – 2ndhouse approach snapshot

1.18-1.19 Min – 3rd house Approach

1.35-1.36 Min – 4th House Approach Shot

1.42-1.44 Min – 5th house approach shot

1.47-1.56 Min – Party Scene strobe lighting with tweet overlay

1.56-1.59 Min - Knock on the door

Wednesday 4 December 2013


Below are a series of images taken from our first day of shooting- we decided to take images to show how the grouped worked together.Taking different turns using the camara- directing the shots ect.

Lara doing a run of the drive- this helped us to known where the camara should focus.
Myslef on the camara.

Myself and Charlotte directing Lara.

Myself again directing Lara and filiming.

James and Charlotte directing Lara..
James on the camara filming 'the door knock'

Fun on Set!

Myself and Charlotte directing.

Group photo with our extra Louis.

Lara and Charlotte talking about the set.

Monday 2 December 2013

Map Pictures-FIXATION

Below are various photos which we will be using on our map,after doing a lot of research, I found that many stalker films include local facilities and pictures of the victim, I therefor have incorporated them into our map. The map itself will look like organised chaos, we want it to look like the stalker cares for the individual but not for her personal space. I have also taken pictures from James' social network pages (with his permission) to show that the stalker not only watches him in public but on the internet.