Sunday 13 October 2013

Opening Sequence Analysis - ' TheHangover' (Comedy)

Camera Shots 
The first shot it a wide over the shoulder shot, establishing the scenes location. The over the holders shot show a police officers uniform, suggesting to us that the three characters are in police interview. The closing of the door brings in the next shot which is a long shot showing the main characters in this scene.  There are many medium shots in this scene, focusing on specific things/people for example the effect of  stun gun on all three characters (Stu,Alan and Phil) another example is the close up of the officers, showing their emotional rage towards the three men.These shots are appropriate for the scene because the scene is all about the emotion, an extreme long shot for example would not be appropriate because it would not show the emotion as well.                                                                      

Mise-en- scene
The most prominent items are costumes are the officers uniform, showing the power/authority they have over the other three men. Stu,Alan,Phil are dressed in the same clothes they wore the previous night (earlier in the film) showing they are untidy and lower than the police officers. All  lighting in this clip is superficial lighting because it is inside a police station which has little natural light in.
As far as the actors go in this scene there are two 'groups' so to speak. There is the two police officers who seem vindictive and spiteful, who seem not to care/worry about upholding the law an twist it so it suits them, an example is when they use the three men to show children how to taser someone, this is not police practise. Then you have the second the three men who are confused about their own situation and are trying to piece their night together (seen later in the film).
There are minimal props used in this scene you have the clipboard held by the male police officer, this is an  extra thing for the audience to look at but has little importance to the plot. Then there is the taser which is used on Stu,Alan and Phil, this creates maximum effect because you can not only see the taser and its effect on the men but you are also able to hear it. A taser is a typical thing for an American police officer to be carrying but not in the way this officer is.

Sound                                                                                                                                                      There is little sound in this clip apart from the characters talking(Diegetic). The first thing we hear is off screen which is the closing and opening of the door,then after about a minute and a half there is some sort of jazzy music with a percussion that gives it a kind eery but upbeat feel, suggesting something bad/funny is about to happen, only the audience can hear this music(Non Diegetic).           On the next shot you have the sound of the stun gun and then the music/sounds gets louder as the children aim at the men and meet its peak as the taser is fired at Alan, the music becomes more intense and sinister each child gears up and aims.


There is no flash editing in this clip and you don't expect there to be, even  in a comedy, each shot blends nicely into one and other, as the transitions happen you get an idea of what is about to happen.

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