Thursday 17 October 2013

Opening Sequence Analysis- The Notebook(Romantic)

Camara Shots
Most of the shots in this scene are close ups, these show the intanicy of their relationship, if all the shots were long shots it would take the focus away from thier love, and show that they are not that important to one and other by having as many close ups as possble it shows the audicne that these two people should be our only focus. There are however a few long shots, for example the extreme long shot of them rowing in the rain, this now gives the audience a sense of where the couple are and what they are doing.

Mise en Scene
The contrast of the two characters costumes can tell us alot about them. The woman wearing a blue dress, with a pinned up do with sutle  make up shows that either her or her family are wealthy compaered to her  male compain who is wearing a white undertop,(untaucked) with a ungromed beard, by showing the contrasts of these two people, it portrays to the auidnce that anyone from any background can find love. These clothes are typivcal of the 1940/50's, helping the audince get a better understand of the film.
Both actors give the impression that they love eachother but are somehow unable to express this, we can tell this by the silence during the boat ride, by the way the women is sitting we can tell she is very closed of from the man for unknown reason(shown later in the scene).Again thier behavoiur are very typival of the 50s men and woman were not expected to be in intimante in public.
This clip uses natural lighting due to te fact they are outside they were able to make use of the natural light.
The one noticable prop is the boat, which transports the couple around the lake.

There is alot of sound in this clip from the rain to the orcastrated music, all of which is used effectly.
The thunder that starts as they paddle back to shore may have ment to foreshaddow the argument they are about to have, it may also resemble how one minuete the couple are fine one minuate and hate each other the next (proinant in thre rest of the film).
The oracstra music during the rain is subtle and suits the scene, the music complement inner feelings of both parties.
The music becomes more prominate as they become more physical, showing the lust between them, but at the same time is still soft and gentle unlike the horror.
As the love scene arrives the music fades away so were are listening to the actors heavy breathing, which is very effective, it again shows the audience the passion between them.
The music communicates to audience the love they share  eventhrough rough times which may be represented by rain.

Again the editing is sutble which compliments the scene beautifully, the music fades in and out when needed to either hightlight the charachters feelings or the feelings they share.

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